Hi All !!

Things to be covered in two days...

D3.js & It's basics

DATA, and the need to visualize it

Supported data formats

Supported Technologies

SVG, its PROS and CONS

D3js Access Method

D3 Scales

D3 Axes

D3 transitions

What next?


  • It is a Javascript Visualization Framework
  • It Deals with Data Driven Documents
  • Today, we Will be dealing with version 3.5
  • D3.js is an open source library and hosted over github

Visualization Process

Backend API Data D3 Browser Visuals

What is Data ?

Data is a digital representation of real time information

  • can be a,
  • -social media data
  • -bank account data
  • -stock market data
  • Its almost EVERYWHERE! Thus,we cannot ignore data. Couple of reasons being,

It has a capability to show the past, draw the present and design the future

Why should we VISUALIZE data?

Raw data does not make much sense to we, humans


Visuals do make some sense

Supported data formats

Array of numbers

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Array of array of numbers

[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]

Array of javascript objects

[{'name': 'mukul', 'name': 'vijay', 'name': 'rahul'}]

csv format of data


JSON format of data

{'name': 'mukul', 'name': 'vijay', 'name': 'rahul'}

Technologies which can help


Hyper Text MarkUp Language

Browser Language to read web pages


Cascading Style Sheet

styling language to style dom elements


A Javascript Framework

Makes life easier while dealing with Browser

Before D3, lets have to a look at..

  • Jquery helps to understand very basic concepts which have been used in D3.
  • However, there is no relation between Jquery and D3 but D3 also uses DOM SELECTER API which also used by Jquery and It is easy to understand with the help of Jquery.

Jquery Examples

Jquery Selectors

Jquery Method Chaining

Jquery Effects

Types of visuals

Raster Images (jpeg/ png/ gif)

Use pixels to create graphics


Use vector theory to create graphics


Scalable Vector Graphics

svg creates graphics using vector theory.

It uses xml format to store/ access images in browser memory.

XML is extended mark up langauge and a sister language of html.


It gives better performance in terms of zoom level because it does mathematical computation while reducing/ increasing size of images.

XML is portable across different browsers.

D3.js uses svgs to create graphics on the browser screen.


Hard to make complex images in svg

Image compressions and other optimized technologies are not useful for svgs

SVG Shapes

  • rect
  • line
  • circle
  • ellipse
  • polyline
  • ploygon
  • path
  • point

SVG Axes


  • x - distance from x axis
  • y - distance from y axis
  • width - width of rectangle
  • stroke - styles for rect's border
  • style - css style for rectangle


  • cx - distance from x axis to its center
  • cy - distance from y axis to its center
  • r - radius of circle
  • stroke - styles for rect's border
  • style - css style for rectangle


  • cx - distance from x axis to its center
  • cy - distance from y axis to its center
  • rx - radius of circle for x axis
  • rx - radius of circle for y axis
  • stroke - styles for rect's border
  • style - css style for rectangle


  • x1 - point where to start at x axis
  • y1 - point where to start at y axis
  • x2 - point where to end at x axis
  • y2 - point where to end at y axis
  • stroke - css style for rectangle


attribute d="M50, 50 A30, 30 0 0 1 100, 100"

  • M to move to 50, 50 units over svg axis
  • A to make an arc with radius 30, 30
  • 0/1 to rotation about x axis
  • 0/1 to make large arcs
  • 0/1 to create mirror arcs
  • 100 100 end points for arc

svg - g

It is used to group elements to perform multiple operations over multiple elements at once.

SVG Example

Lets try some basic shapes with some examples

SVG Shapes Resource

I would like to recommend this SVG Resource , any one can refer this to read more about SVG

D3 Version of SVG Example

Lets embed basic d3 into previous examples.

  • SVG Boy
  • Practise - Harry Potter Pendant

D3 methods used in examples

  • select - used to select a single selector element
  • selectAll - used to select all the selector elements
  • append - used to append an element under defined selector element
  • attr - sets attributes for selectors
  • Many more ...

D3 Selections: How it works

selection group section section section section

D3 Selections: How it works

selections will go here joiny bits will go here data will go here

Hurray! We wrapped the forst part!

How are you feeling ?

Let's start second part !!!

Let's attach some data to dom elements now

Let's take an array and attach its elements with DOM

Where is the data ?

enter / update / exit

  • Access methods to deal with DOM elements
  • D3 calls them joins as they join data with DOM elements
  • Very important as they provide generalisation to CURD operations

Enter Method

Enter Method

Data Elements Enter Dom Elements

Update Method

Update Method

Data Elements Dom Elements

Exit Method

Exit Method

Data Elements Exit Dom Elements

Lets take a combined look of all 3 access methods

Can you try this example ?

Access Methods

Lets get our hands dirty now

Lets create a bar chart

Done for the day..Relax now!!!

How are you feeling ?

Lets do our hands dirty now

Now Lets try for a horizontal bar chart
Now Lets try for a scatter plot

D3 Scales

  • Method to compress actual data values
  • Domain takes data values
  • Ranges convert domain values into given ranges
  • Does not create any visual components but helps them to be fit into given space

Mostly used D3 Scales

  • Linear Scales, converts domain values in continous ranges
  • Ordianl Scales, converts domain values in discreate ranges
D3 Scales

D3 Axes

Creates x & y axis for specific graphs
D3 Axes

D3 Transitions

Add dymanic effects into d3 charts & components
Scatter Plot
Bouncing Ball
Bullet Chart

D3 bar chart with JSON Data

Let's create a bar chart