How To Use Data

By - Mukul Taneja
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Who Am I and What I do

  • My name is Mukul Taneja.
  • I have 4 years of experience in this industry.
  • I work with Gramener as a Senior Data Specialist.
  • Gramener is a Data Science & Data Visualization Company.
  • I have responsibilities to create Data Driven Applications.
  • I use Public/Private domain data for these applications.

Our Goal

We at Gramener, have a motive to make all understand about the power of data.

What to do with Data?

Know Intersting Facts & Draw Decisions

About Edx

  • Founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012.
  • edX is an online learning destination and MOOC provider.
  • It has a mission to offer high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.

About Dataset

David J. Malan really rocked in 2015!

Insights - MIT vs Harvard

  • MIT has launched more number of courses than Harvard across the years.
  • 2015 was the prominent year for computer science courses where MIT has managed to launch 9 courses and Harvard has launched only 1 course.
  • Harved has managed to attract 300k students in 2015 where MIT got 250k students in 2015.
  • MIT has targetted Higher Degree students where Harvard has targetted college students though their courses.

US Birth Dataset

Indian Birth Dataset

Indian Children Makrs Dataset

Application Architecture

Github Repos Visual

Popular Programming Languages

10 most popular programming languages

4 Different Rankings


TIOBE Index uses the search volume in popular search engines eg. Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu

The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings

It uses a programming language’s GitHub and Stack Overflow presence as a measure of popularity

The PYPL (PopularitY of Programming Language) Index

It uses the service of Google Trends to rank programming languages

The IEEE Spectrum Ranking of Programming Languages

It considers 12 factors from 10 sources. The 10 sources are Google Search, Google Trends, Twitter, GitHub, Stack Overflow, Reddit, Hacker News, CareerBuilder, Dice and IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Understand Data & Learn from it


User Behavior

Predictive Modeling

Predictive analytics is an area of statistics that deals with extracting information from data and using it to predict trends and behavior patterns.

Training a Image Classification Model

Predictive Analytics Process

Define Project

Define the project outcomes, deliverable, scope of the effort, business objectives, identify the data sets that are going to be used.

Data Collection

Data mining for predictive analytics prepares data from multiple sources for analysis. This provides a complete view of customer interactions.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning and modelling data with the objective of discovering useful information, arriving at conclusion.


Statistical Analysis enables to validate the assumptions, hypothesis and test them using standard statistical models.


Predictive modelling provides the ability to automatically create accurate predictive models about future. There are also options to choose the best solution with multi-modal evaluation.


Predictive model deployment provides the option to deploy the analytical results into everyday decision making process to get results, reports and output by automating the decisions based on the modelling.

Model Monitoring

Models are managed and monitored to review the model performance to ensure that it is providing the results expected

Name Classification


Make a Classifier to recognize human names.

Data Collection

NLTK Name Corpus

Data Analysis & Assumptions

Names ending in a, e and i are likely to be female, while names ending in k, o, r, s and t are likely to be male



Sentiment Analysis

  • Sub field of Text Classification.
  • It is used to tag text with classes such as Positive/Negative/Neutral

Why Sentiment Analysis?

  • Marketing
  • Social Media & Opinions
  • Policatial Views
  • Movie Reivews
  • many more...

Sentiment Analysis on Live Data

Example - Real Time Tweets

Sentiment Analysis on Political Dataset

Example - Donald Trump Dataset

Understanding NaiveBayes Classifier

  • It works on the concept of bag of words model.
  • Probability Concept - The Naive Bayes algorithm is an intuitive method that uses the probabilities of each attribute belonging to each class to make a prediction.
  • All the attributes are independents - Naive bayes simplifies the calculation of probabilities by assuming that the probability of each attribute belonging to a given class value is independent of all other attributes.
  • Conditional Probability - The probability of a class value given a value of an attribute is called the conditional probability.
  • By multiplying the conditional probabilities together for each attribute for a given class value, we have a probability of a data instance belonging to that class.
To make a prediction we can calculate probabilities of the instance belonging to each class and select the class value with the highest probability.

Understanding DecisionTree Classifier

  • The decision tree classifiers organized a series of test questions and conditions in a tree structure.
  • In the decision tree, the root and internal nodes contain attribute test conditions to separate recordes that have different characteristics. All the terminal node is assigned a class lable Yes or No.

Suicides in India

About Tedx

  • TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks.
  • TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.
  • They believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.

Talks I like the most

My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns
  • Focus on things which you CAN do instead of thinking for which you CANT do.
  • Surround with people like you want to be like.
  • Keep moving forward in life, keep opening up doors and windows for new things.
Draw your future | Patti Dobrowolski
The Man behind Linux | Linus Torvalds
  • It is OK if you are not a visionary, No feel to be ashamed.
  • If you focus on the ground and fix the little holes, you can be a great person by that way also.
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
  • Spread love, feel happy and love humanity.

About Dataset

Predict Tedx Speakers Occupation

Example - Speakers Occupations

Last Few Words...

  • Understanding Data depends on instinct and interest.
  • No Course can teach us to how to work on data but practise can make things perfect.
  • Stat with small things and go for large...cheers!!

Thank You